Do You Believe In Ghosts? Here Is A Ghostly Tale

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Do You Believe In Ghosts? Here Is A Ghostly Tale

Do You Believe In Ghosts? Here Is A Ghostly Tale

I have often wondered whether ghosts really exist, what do you think, do you believe they do? What we need is a blog all about ghosts where people can post their ghostly stories and opinions. The problem I suppose would be that you would get people just making up stories for a laugh, yes very funny I know. In this article, I am going to write about my opinions on this subject as well as telling the tale of a ghost which a friend of mine claims he saw. I have to say that this friend is quite trustworthy and not one who is known for telling fibs, but you can never be sure.

Now people may think that I am a bit mad or even sad as I have read many books on the subject of ghosts. It is an area that really fascinates me and I just wish that there was some way of proving that they do actually exist as I believe they do. I think from all of these studies, that a ghost is created when a person has died before their time as it were. I believe that when we are born there is like some sort of invisible stamp put on our head, this stamp has the date when we are going to die in the future. If a person then dies before this date they are then not ready to rest in peace and therefore stay around in the form of a ghost until that day arrives. Some like being a ghost so much that they decide to stay for much longer periods than even this date.

People may have died before their time due to some form of tragedy such as a car crash or even after being murdered.

The Ghost Story

This is a ghost story a friend told me about a year ago. When he was about ten years of age, on one Saturday afternoon, he was in a local park with three friends. They were all messing about as young boys tend to do when they noticed a girl who was about twelve years of age, who was picking flowers. For whatever reason they decided to run in quite a provocative way towards her, shouting at the same time, this would be in an attempt to scare her. Why they wanted to do this is not really that clear to me but I was not telling the tale and did not want to stop my friend to ask, as he was in some kind of flow.

The girl heard all of this commotion and noise but did not seem scared. She merely turned, looked and smiled at the oncoming boys before just disappearing into seemingly thin air. The boys were soon stopped in their tracks in amazement at what they had just witnessed. They all had to check with each other that what they had just seen actually did happen. They tried to find the girl but never saw her again.

Years later when my friend was about twenty-three years of age, he started to do some research about the park etc. He found that a girl of twelve had been murdered there forty years ago, weird!

I have many more ghostly tales but will not bore you with any more at this stage.

by Blueboy

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In many cases, human psychology plays a major role in ghost sightings. In chilling situations where ghosts are associated with a natural animal response may make the hair rise which could be mistaken for a chill. Illusions can be created by one by seeing an eerie figure. According to a poll conducted in 2005 by the Gallup Organization, about 32% of Americans believe in the existence of ghosts. Such a definition always makes it difficult to explain about the ghosts that tend to answer questions and those which foretell the future etc. Ghosts are often associated with haunting, which is, according to the Parapsychological Association, "the more or less regular occurrence of paranormal phenomena associated with a particular locality (especially a building) and usually attributed to the activities of a discarnate entity; the phenomena may include apparitions, poltergeist disturbances, cold drafts, sounds of steps and voices, and various odours. This definition is used commonly among all! There have been several doubts regarding the existence of the ghost and disputes too whether ghosts are just imaginations or part of objective existence.